Chinese Parenting is a HTML based simulation game that I coded as a class project. I chose this topic to model a simulation because I believe it was an interesting topic that young generation were paying attention to and I would like to dig more into the blanacing between living constraints for young parents in China. And it gave me a chance to create content that abstract life long experience through replayable system through HTML codes and Twine.


Little Flame Akira is a small side-scrolling game which player help the character little flame to find his way home while collect treasures and lost sparks along the way.

This processing coding project gave me the opportunity to explore basic game design and designing visual assets and style at the same time.


Here is a collections of art work in various styles that I created in the past. And I will keep it updated. (○'◡'○)ノ

Thanks for checking out my work.

Check out My Resume here, and please feel free to reach out if you'd like to chat!